Online registration is now closed! You may register on-site at the Hyatt on Wednesday morning.
Member rates apply to members of: Home Care Association of Colorado, National Association of Home Care & Hospice and participating state home care associations.
Early bird – ends 11:59 p.m. MST Friday, January 11
Member: $249, Non-Member $449
Regular Price ends 11:59 p.m. MST Sunday, February 10
Member $299, Non-Member $499
Onsite – February 13
Member: $349, Non-Member $549
Cancellation Policy
If you must cancel your conference registration, please notify the HCAC office immediately. Cancellations must be made in writing (either electronically or by mail) and must be received no later than February 6, 2019. Refunds will not be issued for no-shows.
• HCAC will refund registration fees, less 25%
• HCAC Membership dues are NOT refundable